Tuesday 25 August 2015

How To Get Millions of Hits Within Hours on Your Adf.ly Links


Tutorial For New Members, How To Use Adfly And Everything Related To Adfly.

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These Sites Will Pay Me For Every Click It Will Not Cost You Anything
Step 1 - Register

Go to home page at www.adf.ly , there is a huge buttom, Join now! Yeah click that. Fill up the form carefully, in the last step account type Choose link shrinker if you wan't to earn money by getting traffic to your links, choose advertiser if you would like to pay 1.00 dollars for 10,000 visitors make advertiser account and you can read more about prizes here http://adf.ly/advertising.php.

Step 2 - Now what?
Okay, now you have registered account and we are ready to start! From the first page after logging in there you can see pretty much everything, now lets shrink you a url. You have a website or something? It doesn't need to be your website it can be any link from whole internet, an article,download page any url example i'm now going to shrink one of our domains
http://dvhackingtrickzz.blogspot.com - I copy it to that big url box in the first page in adfly. There is a big buttom Shrink you press that, and there is also reading options. There you can choose domain what you wan't to use, currently they can be adf.ly, u.bb and 9.bb then you can choose advertisement type and choose a custom name, but you don't need to touch or even take a look in the options if you don't want to change the url or advertisiment type.

 Well now you have your first shrinked url. If you haven't before visited any adfly ads, please have look how it works. http://adf.ly/1NC7FQ
Step 3 - Adfly website

There you can also find a lot of good things, you can see where is coming the most of the clicks, you can see top 20 country where they are coming and also a diagram how you are getting traffic. I was about to tell you guys about the forum, but if you are reading this apparently you are on the forum =)

Step 4 - Now i need traffic

Now its time to get someone to click your links, you can find out many good ways in these forums how you can manage to get some traffic, but any of those are not the "best one", there is thousands of ways how you can get traffic from, forums, facebooktwitter etc. You just need to shrink your links and share them! If you think that its hard to get 1000 views, well its not. Think example facebook, there is 500 million users, think if everytime that someone goes to facebook, goes through your adfly link it would be up to 1000 million views/day.

Step 5 - Rates/CPM

What is this? There is reading that i can get 5 dollars / 1000 views from United states, well the rates are not updated in real-time, they are just average. If in your CPM is reading example "3$, you will get that 3 dollars / 1000 views" Now comes the question why rates are wrong?, Well they are not wrong, it only depends how many campaigns there is going on, or some people are saying "it depends how many ads are in adfly"

Last step - Payment
Finaly, you have reached the amount of 5.00$, now you can get your moneys in the paypal, at the next payday. Go to adfly website, and there is the Withdraw section, go there. Add there your alertpay or paypal account, now its done, everytime when we have payday in adfly, we will get automatically our moneys in to our paypal/alertpay account, if you don't have either of those accounts please go to http://www.paypal.com or http://www.alertpay.com, its easy and free to make alertpay or paypal account.

Sometimes people are also asking, do i get paid to unverified account? Yes you can get paid to unverified account, but you must have same information in your paypal or alertpay account that you have in adfly, because adfly developers can confirm that its really you, by sending you a mail or calling for you.

Thats pretty much all what i can tell you about adfly for now, if you have any questions related to adfly, please ask in this topic! We don't want to get too much spam on forums.

   How To Get Millions of Hits Within Hours on Your Adf.ly Links

What is adf.ly?

It is a website where you get paid every time someone clicks on a link of yours. Depending on where you get your traffic from, you will get paid about $2 for 1000 clicks.I know what you’re thinking. That’s horrible right? $0.002 for a single click? But that’s actually pretty decent compared to the other sites that get you about $0.30 per 1000. It is much better than Linkbucks, Linkbee, or any other competition.

Firs of all If you haven’t already signed up, go to :


And signup an account.

To get a huge amount of clicks on adf.ly is pretty simple. Just go viral! I’ll give you an example. Sometime around June, there was a video going around on news websites of “K-Strass the Yo-Yo master”. It had quite a significant amount of mention on the news. So I thought, why not upload this video to YouTube and get some hits. Unluckily, I was late and the video had already been uploaded by someone else.His video was up for 3 days, and had already gotten over 67 000 000 views!!! If only 20% the people visited an adf.ly link, that would still be $40 000 in 3 days. However, the person who uploaded the video did not seem to monetize the video at all, making no money...Now that guy was stupid. YOU can be different and make the $200 000 he never did. Here’s how


Get prepared. What you need is a program to download videos off websites such as “Download Helper”. You should also get a Free Screen Recorder, such as :


Also, register accounts on YouTube, Digg, StumbleUpon and i-am-bored.

 STEP 2:

Start lurking around on US Breaking news websites, such as www.CNN.com,www.foxnews.com
 and www.cbsnews.com . You have to be very patient and wait around, until you find a good video with viral potential.
Examples of videos that are guaranteed to go viral- Ghost Videos (Michael Jackson’s ghost) Live TV stuff-ups (People swearing live on air, Celebrities hitting paparazzi, “Wardrobe malfunctions” ).

So just wait around until a video like this pops up on one of the news websites. It may take a while to find a good lead, you may have to wait several days. Bookmark the “Breaking News” sites and check back occasionally.
Just wait..........................................................
And wait....................................................


Got your video? Now it is time to act FAST. Try downloading the video using “Download Helper”. If it doesn’t work, what you have to do is record the video with your screen recorder. (Make sure the volume is right if you are recording).Now upload the video onto YouTube. Make sure you have a good title, description and tags.


Submit your video to Digg, StumbleUpon and i-am-bored.


Take a break. You don’t need to do anything for the next few hours.


Now, check back on your video. If everything is working well as planned, you should have a few thousand views. If not, try and submit to more websites similar to www.i-am-bored.com .


Wait a few more hours.


You should be getting thousands and thousands of hits by now. Links to your video should already be posted on DiggStumbleUpon, and www.i-am-bored.com . You should be getting a steady flow of a few hundred views a minute now. So now it is time to monetize your video.


Find out what it is you want to link to. For example, a news story, Facebook group or anything related to your video. For this example, I will just choose a news article.

STEP 10 

Create an adf.ly link and mask it with URL HIDER Masking the URL is VERY important.

STEP 11 

Now, create an annotation all through the video. To do this, click on “Edit Video” and click “annotations”. Place the annotation at the bottom of the video.

An example of an annotation would be -
Is Michael Jackson really dead? See the shocking new proof at the link in the description!!!!

That’s All! Remember, no one got rich reading guides! Don’t be lazy and follow my instructions! 
100% guaranteed



Hello My Dear Readers,
Have you ever wondered why you get some much traffic on your websites or you advertise your links on forums or share with your friends yet still you dont see any improvement in your clicks and your money is not moving at all..

Some people will never click and adfly link even if the content is so importantto them so you need to learn how to mask your urls... Create an adf.ly link and mask it with a HIDER Masking the URL is VERY important.

Here are some of the reason why do not get paid when your links is visited so the the right thing:

1 Adfly only pay when your adfly link is clicked

2 Adfly pay when the person waits for the 5 sec and then skip the ad

3 Adfly do not pay for copy and paste of links..the links need to be clicked

If you want to mask your adfly links and post to them to your friends and on forums Create an adf.ly link and mask it with hider Masking the URL is VERY important.
100% guaranteed

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