Friday 28 August 2015

**To Spy On Someone's Whatsapp Account Or Hack IT **

**To Spy On Someone's Whatsapp Account**

Whatsapp can not be hacked remotely. All you can do is get the messages of someone.
Method 1 : Whatsapp backups your messages every morning at 4 am automatically. These backup files can be find in android device's mobile directory.
Path for directory is generally as follows

DeviceStorage > Whatsapp >  Databases
Here you can see how these files look like.

​you can decrypt the database of whatsapp backup. To decrpt this dababase you can use this procedure:

Visit this site to decrypt messages

This site only decrypt old whatsapp database files with crypt extension .crypt and .crypt8. whatsapp is using Crypt8 technology in new whatsapp.

Select your crypt file and tick on I accept the t&c.

I will post here if I find the decrypt method for Crypt8 technology.

Note : whatsapp backups message at 4 am everyday. So messages deleted before 4 am will never be backuped automatically. Backup can be done manually.

Method 2 : Whatsapp does not work on two phones simultaneously reason is MAC address. So if you can change MAC address of anyone's devices as yours than you will be able to get message of someone after verification. Changing MAC address is called MAC address snooping.

procedure for MAC snooping is given on this link

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